Optimize Daily Security Operations and Procedures to Establish Enhanced Guard Touring
Simplify your guard touring process and make tracking accountability seamless by eliminating paper incident reports and focusing on enhancing daily operations. With digital tour reports sent directly to your command center, you can design and schedule guard tours to fit your immediate needs .

Utilize Geofencing and Digital Reporting to Increase Workforce Accountability
Establish security team transparency with GPS verified guard checkpoints and timestamps. You can even take guard tour accountability to the next level with photo confirmation capabilities.
Utilize geofencing and live reporting to gain insight into real-time guard tour progress and receive immediate alerts of any missed locations.
Design & Schedule Guard Tours
- Replace paper reports with digital incident and daily activity submissions
Gain immediate access to real-time data needed to establish security goals and design an efficient guard tour. - Implement proactive guard tour strategies with access to live dashboards
Monitor custom live feeds to address immediate risks and proactively shift your guard tour strategy to maximize coverage. - Align checkpoint deployment with enhanced guard scheduling capabilities
View guard specializations to ensure you have the right personnel at the right checkpoint to achieve your guard tour goals. - Modernize your guard check-in process with remote access to your command center
Receive immediate notification of guard scheduling inconsistencies, allowing you to adjust your scheduled guard tour to manage risk.
“One of the greatest things about CSA360 is how easy and efficient it is to use. Our staff is able to use the system in a variety of ways which allows us to be more efficient.
We chose CSA360 because of the prompt and friendly customer service. ”
Kyle Giles – Director of Security Live Nation